PhD (DPhil) candidate, University of Oxford (he/him)
Hi! I’m Boris Andrews, and I’m a final-year PhD (DPhil) candidate in the Numerical Analysis Group at the University of Oxford, working on structure-preserving numerical methods for PDEs under a joint EPSRC/UKAEA studentship/CASE award.
Conservative & dissipative integrators / Preserving global & local energy estimates & conservation laws / Asymptotic-preserving integrators / Geometric machine learning|
Finite element exterior calculus (FEEC) / Domain decomposition / Parallel in time (PinT)|
Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) / Hybrid fluid-particle models|
Stabilisation / PreconditioningDate | Title | Co-authors |
16.JUL.2024 (arXiv) |
High-order conservative and accurately dissipative numerical integrators via auxiliary variables | Patrick Farrell |
20.JAN.2025 (arXiv) |
Topology-preserving discretization for the magneto-frictional equations arising in the Parker conjecture | Mingdong He, Patrick Farrell, Kaibo Hu |
Upcoming (Draft on request) |
Uniformly accurate asymptotic-preserving integrators for charged particles | |
Upcoming (Draft on request) |
An augmented Lagrangian preconditioner for natural convection at high Reynolds number | Alexei Gazca, Benjamin Castellaz, Patrick Farrell |
Upcoming (Draft on request) |
Conservative–dissipative integrators for reversible–irreversible systems |
(Click titles for further details and talks)
PhD (DPhil) in Mathematics (Numerical Analysis), University of Oxford
Structure-preserving FEMs via auxiliary variables: conservative & accurately dissipative integrators / global & local structures for BVPs|
Patrick Farrell, Wayne ArterAUG–OCT.2022 |
Physics: theory and modelling internship (Tokamak Energy)
Masters in Mathematics (MMath), University of Oxford
First (Distinction)|
Computation and approximation properties of near orthogonal matrices for tall random matrices|
Yuji Nakatsukasa|
Computational fluid dynamics internship (Perm State University)|
Visiting the US: RI (Providence) -> TX (Fort Worth -> Houston)
Visiting Brown University, thanks to the invite of Brendan Keith, to present at both his group meeting (27.FEB) and the Scientific Computing Seminar (28.FEB), where I will discuss my work on conservative integrators with Patrick Farrell|
Attending SIAM CSE in Fort Worth, TX, where I will be presenting my work on conservative integrators at the minisymposium on computational methods for non-Newtonian Flows (04.MAR), on the kind invite of Sara Pollock and Tabea Tscherpel|
Visiting Rice University, thanks to the invite of Jesse Chan, where I will be presenting a special lecture on my work on conservative integrators with Patrick Farrell (10/11.MAR)|
Giving a seminar at the Self-Consistency Group of the Center for Hierarchical and Robust Modeling of Non-Equilibrium Transport (CHaRMNET), where I will present upcoming work on asymptotic-preserving integrators for charged particles problems, thanks to the invite of Lee Ricketson|
Presenting my leaving Numerical Analysis Group Internal Seminar, culminating my time here in the Numerical Analysis Group at the University of Oxford|
Attending the EMS School on Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing in Kácov, Czechia, where I intend to present upcoming work on structure-preserving methods for boundary-value problems|
Together with Charlie Parker, hosting (and presenting at) a minisymposium on structure-preserving FEMs at the Biennial Numerical Analysis Conference at the University of Strathclyde, where I will present my work on conservative integrators with Patrick Farrell|
Speaking at a minisymposium on Maxwell, MHD, and derived models at ACOMEN, hosted at Ghent University, thanks to the invite of Jérôme Droniou on behalf of the NEMESIS PIs, where I will likely present my work on structure-preserving integrators for the Parker problem with Mingdong He, Patrick Farrell & Kaibo Hu(*provisional)
🌐 Languages/Linguistics |
🎲 Board games |
Heavy/Light/Cooperative/I don’t care so long as it’s with my friends
🎹 Piano |
Music theory/Improvisation so long as nobody’s listening
🩸 Murder mysteries |
Movies in particular
⚽ Table football |
Competitive spirit/Non-competitive skill
🗺️ Maps/Flags |
Just love them
🥋 Taekwondo |
Not done it properly in a long time though
❓ Quizzes |
🍫 Chocolate |
(In no particular order)